José M. Ordóñez-Mena
MSc, Dr. sc. hum.
Senior Medical Statistician
I am interested in the analysis of large electronic health records databases. I have mostly worked with the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) and the Oxford-Royal College of General Practitioners Clinical Informatics Digital Hub (ORCHID), both are databases of routinely collected primary care data of English patients.
I have also expertise in systematic reviews and meta-analysis methods. I am most interested in advanced methods such as network meta-analysis. Read this blog to learn about my first ever systematic review and my first one in Oxford.
Most of my work has been on the clinical areas of cardiovascular disease, renal disease, cancer, and multimorbidity. Previously I worked in the areas of aging research, clinical, nutritional and genetic epidemiology.
Some of my present and past collaborations include:
- the ObservatARI study of intensive surveillance of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in primary care with a focus on respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
- the MAINROUTE study (Monitoring Attendance, INvestigation, Referral, and OUTcomes in primary care: impact of and recovery from COVID-19 lockdown
- RiskHF a risk prediction model to predict incident heart failure in primary care
- the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Oxford and Thames Valley Applied Digital Health theme
- the OxValve and NewKi cohort studies funded by the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Group (BRC)
- the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group
I am module coordinator of the Meta-Analysis module.
In the past I taught medical statistics to undergraduate Medicine Pre-Clinical year 1 and 2 students, and postgraduate students in the MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care and MSc in Medical Statistics.
I supervise or have supervised postgraduate students on the MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care and MSc in Medical Statistics, and undergraduate students on the Medicine Pre-Clinical Final Honours School (FHS) year from the University of Oxford.
I currently supervise three DPhil students in the Primary Health Care program and Evidence-Based Health Care.
I am also keen on advising MSc and PhD students in other programs and from other universities.
Senior Medical Statistician, Clinical Informatics and Health Outcomes Research Group, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, 2022-
Research Associate, Medical Statistics Group, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, 2016-2022
Research Assistant, Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012-2015
PhD Epidemiology, Medical Faculty, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 2012-2016
MSc Nutrition and Health, Division of Human Nutrition, University of Wageningen, the Netherlands, 2010-2012
BSc Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, Sports Faculty, University Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain, 2004-2010
Research I am interested in
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My publications
My publications