Project RSV ComNet
Project RSV ComNet
A multi-country study to measure the clinical and socio-economic disease burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in young children (aged <5 years) in primary care.
To measure the clinical and socio-economic disease burden of RSV in young children (aged <5 years) in primary care.
Peer-reviewed papers on the clinical and socio-economic burden of RSV in young children in primary care.
Expected Impact
To support policy decisions regarding the introduction of new RSV interventions.
Project outline
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the leading cause of acute lower respiratory infections in children. Almost all children get it. Accurate estimates of the burden of RSV in primary care are necessary to assess the overall impact RSV has on society. This knowledge is critical for policymakers to make informed decisions regarding the introduction of new RSV interventions. Comparative RSV ComNet studies are also being conducted in the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Belgium.
How does this research try to address the problem?
Eligible participants will be recruited from RCGP RSC network practices that are part of the RSV ComNet study and who are contributing virology swabs for RCGP RSC disease surveillance. Information gathered will include: health care usage, complications from RSV infection, and impact on quality of life.
How we are planning to implement the research outputs
The main output will be peer-reviewed papers on the clinical and socio-economic burden of RSV in young children in primary care.
Flowchart: Disease Burden Protocol used in RSV ComNet II. Children can be selected via a network of paediatricians or GPs involved in the study or via a routine influenza surveillance network in primary care.
Elizabeth Button
Practice Liaison Team Lead
External project members
Dr John Paget, Senior Researcher (NIVEL)
Dr Jojanneke van Summeren (NIVEL)
Project end date
June 2023