The third study of Infectious Intestinal Disease in the UK
- Determine the overall incidence of IID in the UK population.
- Establish the incidence of IID presenting to primary care.
- Clarify the proportion of IID that is UK-acquired.
- Describe the pathogens causing IID in the UK, including levels of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
- Re-calibrate UK surveillance data for IID overall and by pathogen.
- Determine the number of cases in the community, GP reported cases, hospitalisations, and deaths due to IID in the UK.
- Compare results from the IID3 study with previous studies.
Project outline
In brief, the IID3 study design comprises three population-based studies: two prospective studies in Primary Care, and a microbiology study involving diagnostic and reference microbiology and AMR determination.
How does the research try and address the problem?
The research aims to address the question of whether the incidence of infectious intestinal disease (IID) in the community changed since the late 2000s.
How we are planning to implement the research outputs
Findings from the study will be compiled in reports for the funder, submitted for publication in a peer reviewed scientific journals, presented at conferences, and published on website.
How were patient and public involved
We have public and patient involvement (PPI) at all stages of the research e.g. input from Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) in primary care, the PPI research theme and panel from the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Gastrointestinal Infections, and PPI representatives on the IID3 Study Executive Committee and the External Advisory Panel. PPI involvement will continue throughout the lifecycle of the study.
You can view the iid3 dashboard here
Elizabeth Button
Practice Liaison Team Lead
Dominic Dunn
Project Manager
External project members
Professor Sarah O'Brien Newcastle University (Sponsor)
United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
Liverpool Clinical Laboratories at the Liverpool NHS Foundation Trust
The University of Liverpool
Public Health Wales; Public Health Scotland
Project end date