Time to mandate systems that promote collaborative working with computerised medical record systems, at a time of general practitioner shortage
de Lusignan S., Pearce C.
Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Whilst the computerisation of primary care has had many advantages, it is also associated with a time of altering GP workloads. It is plausible that better collaborative working could have a positive effect on sustaining the existing workforce, as well as introducing efficiency into our current ways of working. Enhancing collaborative working might help reduce the isolation of clinicians working alone with their computer systems, as well as enable much more remote part-time working. However, our preference would be in a way that enhances continuity of care, albeit at the natural size of that community. It might even stop some doctors hating their computers. 6 Sophisticated collaborative working has long been a feature of medical practice, and new collaborative working methods that in enabled remote working may have a role in both addressing the workforce crisis in primary care.